
Monday, September 3, 2012

Prayers and Miracles

I have been thinking about prayer and doing a whole bunch of it lately too. When I woke up on Thursday morning I found an email from one of our Glory Glory Gifts family members that she wrote at 4:13 am while in the hospital. Her message was short but filled with anxiety and she had one simple request, Mare can you please pray for me. Of course I was reading it a little later in the morning but my response to her was of course, I will head over to the chapel immediately.

Now you know that normally I go to the perpetual adoration chapel in Holy Child Church on Staten Island, but that day I went to the one on Victory Boulevard by the Society of St. Paul. The magnificent picture shown here is right by the door to the chapel and I thought it was just so beautiful that I took a photo of it before heading into the chapel. Inside I said my prayers for her and when I was done I asked God for a sign that he had heard my prayers for this special woman, nothing fancy like a clap of thunder or the sun spinning, just a simple butterfly would do. When I stepped out of the chapel, sure enough, there was my butterfly fluttering around the photo. The next day I knew that God had definitely heard my prayers when she gave birth to two healthy little boys. My cup runneth over with happiness for her and her husband and her beautiful little bundles of joy. Praise God!

She and I met the first week of December last year at a Christmas Fair. Quite often when I meet people at our local venues we get into all types of discussions and that is exactly what happened that day. She told me of her wish to be a mother, her heartaches during her journey and the next step they were going to take. I told her that I would pray for her. That is how this all began, but what she may or may not know is that I take prayer very seriously. If you ask me to pray for something I will, diligently and daily, until there is a resolution. It might not be the answer that one wants from God, but he does hear all prayers. Now I am not saying that I am the only reason why she attained her miracle, there were quite a large number of people praying for her, but it is a humbling experience to see a prayer answered. I have witnessed a number of answers to prayers this year from someone having inoperable bone cancer now being in remission, to another childless couple holding their soon to be adopted baby in their arms and I give all the glory to God. There have been some deaths too, but the way that I look at it is that their job here is done and they have been called home. It is not the answer that their loved ones wanted, but it is a part of life and a part of our journey here, to live, to learn, to love and then return home.

Yesterday while at my regular adoration hours I was moved to read 1 Timothy and it just happened to include a chapter on prayer and conduct. It reads:

First of all, then I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. For there is one God. There is also our one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as ransom for us. 1 Timothy, 2:1-6

Beautiful! Pray! Pray often and with a pure heart for others. Pray for the souls that have gone before us. Pray for your enemies. Pray for your loved ones. Pray for your neighbors, your places of worship and those you worship with, your freedoms, the destitute, the lame and even your leaders. Thank God for every good thing in your life and for all of your answered prayers, whether you like the outcome or not. Say prayers when you get up in the morning, at 3:00 pm (the hour of his mercy) and in the evening. Say prayers before you eat and thank him that you have something to put into your mouth; there are millions all around the world that do not. Thank him when you lay your head on the pillow at night under a safe roof. Millions more do not have that luxury and when you are done praying for everyone else then ask him to give you the strength to keep on praying and living a life of faith.  Pray in your living room, your bedroom, your car, the supermarket and just about any place you can think of. You do not have to be in a place of worship to talk to God. You might be just the one he is waiting to hear from. Teach your children to pray. Pray as a family. That seems to be sorely lacking in so many families today.

Thank you Father for hearing all of my prayers and for allowing me to see this miracle of two new lives.

My heart is filled with joy and I hope that you too experience the beauty and grace of a prayer that has been answered or said for you. Have a good and blessed week.


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