
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Little Christmas 2015

Boy that Christmas season went fast! Didn't it? Right now our Partridge in a Pear tree contest is in full swing. Although today is the Feast of the Epiphany or the 12th day of Christmas, the contest actually ends tomorrow at midnight, EST. Only Facebook members are eligible to be in it so you have a little time to like us and then find the contest rules on the December 24th posting. Good luck and welcome if you become a fan!

I'm not ready to take my Christmas tree and nativity decorations down. This year we didn't get them up until Christmas eve so I know that they have only been up for 13 days. Not that I am very superstitious but I think I will wait a few days before taking everything down. Besides, who wants to look at a naked house? I was thrilled with all of the beautiful cards I received and not one "Happy Holidays" among them. All of them had depictions of the baby Jesus or the Holy Family - except for the ones that had my friends or families' smiling faces on them. A friend of mine told me that he had been to CVS last week and there was not one iota of Christmas left in the store, but the Valentine's Day stuff was already out.

Isn't it a shame how we rush our holidays along? We wish our lives away. It kind of breaks my heart when I see my own friends post things on Facebook like thank God Christmas (or the holidays) are over with. Maybe they should rethink how they are spending their holidays. I know 2 families that lost loved ones during this holiday season. From now on their holidays will forever be reminders of their loved ones lost, but I hope that they can also remember all of the many joyous celebrations they had with them as well. My dad died the day before my son's 6th birthday. We buried him on a Friday and on Saturday we had the birthday festivities. Life goes on. It is never the same, but time marches forward anyway without our consent.

With the new year looming and the old fading into memory I guess I am a little pensive today. Instead of rushing into the next Hallmark occasion how about we take a breath and just enjoy our lives and our family and friends. If you woke up today how blessed you are to be given another opportunity to do things right today. (If you didn't wake up today and you are reading this you better call Ghostbusters). Seriously, think back on the beautiful moments of your holidays. Personally I can see my son and I bowing our heads at Thanksgiving, saying our grace before our meal, and then each of us taking a moment to thank God for all of our blessings and stating them out loud. I had a beautiful Christmas eve with my family and will cherish our meal together and the laughter and joy of being with them and watching my 6 year old grand-niece pirouetting around the living room. I think back on the beauty and splendor of the church decorated with candles, evergreen and poinsettias and a kiss and hug of a good friend as he wished me Merry Christmas. Even New Year's eve had a moment when I and my son embraced at midnight and wished all good things for each other in 2015 (I pried myself away from the Twilight Zone marathon long enough to enjoy some time with him.)

Instead of saying thank God its over I will say thank you God for all of the gifts I received during it. Not all gifts come in boxes but surely some of them do come wrapped - in joy, happiness, peace and love. Have a blessed week and year...



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