Two weeks ago (as of this update, which is 8/19/18) I decided to pray on why me? I prayed for days, as truthfully I have always been at a loss as to what I'm supposed to do with this blessed occurrence, if anything. I have spoken to my Pastor about it, he was also my spiritual advisor on other experiences. He has told me that it is a blessing and a private revelation and that I could share it or not.
I can also say that my prayers were answered as, while in the Adoration chapel, it was revealed to me that, should I decide to share it, it will help the "seekers of truth." It will help those that need to be drawn closer to God. It is to strengthen the faith of those that will need it in the coming years. It is for those whose faith is being strongly tested and they need to be shored up. So, that is why I decided to share these updates with you.
For those of you that do not know the full story, you can do a search on here for "Eucharist" and find all the posts about it. You can also visit our Youtube channel at the link above for a detailed account. In short, on Christmas day, 2011 at 1:00 P.M. an interior locution was received to take a photo of the Monstrance (which is the beautiful holder of the Host).
In all, 3 photos were taken. The flash went off the first time. Because of that, I basically ignored it until it was decided, October 2016, to have an analysis done of all 3 photos. When this one was analyzed, Jesus' face was immediately recognizable to me. He is very somber in the photo, eyes cast down and it absolutely breaks my heart.
I will take you step by step through this. This first photo is of a Host, in the chapel, as it normally looks to our eyes. As you can see, it is white. This Monstrance was used in 2016 just FYI. The chapel has 3 different designs that are used. The Host is in the very center of all of them. You can click on the photos to enlarge them btw. That's my fellow adorer, Rosaria, in this photo. I have her permission to publish this photo with her in it.
This photo is the original one taken, when the flash went off. You can see that there is a changed host behind the flash and to the right of it. (compared to the one above).
This is the photo analysis enlargement that was done in October, 2016. Note that the analysis is being done of the right hand side of the Eucharist, specifically where the top left corner of the inset is pointing. Jesus' face is remarkably clear to me in the photo. He is very somber, facing left, and looking down. The white dot in the center, just above his eye and the smaller one, to the right of that, in His hair, are the flash glinting off the glass. Unfortunately there is a green pixelated line going down the side of His face right below the large dot.
This is the photo of Jesus, that I did use photo shop on, to erase the sides of the Monstrance and curtains, so that we focus purely on the face. The face of Jesus is untouched. He is looking to the left.
Here are the other photos that were taken that day. I am also sharing the enlargement of the 2nd. Clearly, you can see that the Host has changed in the following pictures. There is a face in them as well, but people have also reported seeing hearts and babies in utero. I think that you will see what you are meant to see. Many adorers I know have seen, with their own eyes people, crosses and other things in the Host, when they are doing their devotional hours. What I will say about these photos, after having my eyes opened by the grace and goodness of God is that
This is the second photo that was taken. Note that you can see the Host has changed. The camera was on macro at the time.
This is the enlargement of the second photo. If you place your hand over the left side of the enlargement, the face to the right will be clearer to you. He is looking directly at the camera.
Next up is the third photo that was taken that day in the chapel. It is the clearest of the three. Again, you can clearly see that the Eucharist has changed. The camera was on the right setting, however, I stepped back when I took the photo. Oddly, the photo is crystal clear, but when it is enlarged it becomes pixelated, so it is clearer as is. It is exactly the same face as the second, with the only difference being that the camera was on the correct setting.
Last, but not least, is the photo that was taken when I was leaving the church at 3:00 P.M. The clouds were in the shape of a dove and were from one end of the sky to the other end. It was HUGE and magnificent.
Error Level Analysis:
An error level analysis has been done on all 3 photos. If a picture is unaltered, the colors will be uniform in nature, as these are. I am sharing here the ELA for all three photos photos.
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Flash photo analysis. Both the original picture and the enlargement are uniform in the respective colors, however you can tell that the enlargement has been added and not part of the original photo.
This is how the analysis would have looked, if the original pic was tampered with to add a face. I did exactly that so that you can see how an altered photo would appear.
Analysis of Photo #2 Notice it is an unaltered, original photo
Analysis of photo #3. Notice it too is an unaltered, original photo.
The photos still in the camera.
I am awed and overcome with emotions when I look at the photos and contemplate the meanings of them. I am humbled and frankly tremble at the thought that we are all one body in Christ. If I sit and truly think about that it is a life-changer, in how I live my life and how I treat others. It is not only mind-blowing it is overwhelming. I urge you to sit and contemplate on that one thought, which is mentioned twice in the Bible btw, and really think about it and how you live your life. I ask myself, do I approach Him in the Eucharist with a clean heart and soul all the time? Are my actions and words a good representation of Him on earth?
We are ALL one body in Christ.
He IS present in a consecrated Host. He IS with us at the Mass. He IS with us until the end of the age.
Luke 22:19 "And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave
it to them, saying, 'This is My body which is given for you; do this in
remembrance of Me.'"
John 6:54 "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day."
I hope this post opens up hearts and minds to literally walk with Christ day to day. Our world needs more eyes, and hearts, opened. Christ, IS working through us and we are in Him and He is in us. We should all live accordingly.
Have a peaceful week.
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