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Okay, so I decided that I'm going to finally talk about something that I very much dislike talking about and have mentioned to very few people. It's a subject that nobody talks about anymore, not even priests and religious people discuss him. Sure, the subject can pack a movie house or drive up ratings on a t.v. show, but it's something that people rarely tell their friends about because a) it scares the crap out of them, b) they are afraid they won't believe them or c) they are afraid of being viewed as a weirdo and losing the friend. Still, I think that it is important to talk about him, and what attracts him to you, because he tries and does ruin many lives and souls. What you are about to read are true stories and resulted in devastating effects on both me and my family, but I'm not going to share all of the details, just the manifestations. Entities can and do mess with people and their lives and I do believe that every terrible event that happened to our family is a direct result of having this entity in our house, for decades.
"Infestation. This is “haunted house” type stuff: footsteps, voices, apparitions, furniture or other objects moving without human agency, odors with no discernible source. Rather than directly affecting people, infestations affect only property, objects, or even animals." ~ Father Gabriel Amorth, chief exorcist of Rome.
"Oppression. Activity steps up with physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular nightmares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression or anxiety, severe financial or employment problems, and relationship troubles. While these things happen in the normal course of life, all of them happening at once or in rapid succession could be a sign of demonic presence." ~ Father Gabriel Amorth, chief exorcist of Rome.
I have to start this by saying that I don't know how the entity was invited into our house, but do think I'm to blame. My family wasn't overtly religious, but we did pray together as a family, go to church on Sundays and holy days, fast, abstain from meat on Fridays, etc. My Dad went to first Friday Adoration and Benediction, so I believe that up until a certain time we repelled them.
When I was in my early teens my friends and I used to mess around with a ouija board. We all had a good laugh over it and, at the time, I really thought my friends were pushing the planchette to the letters. We also messed around with spells, divination, and seances as a friend of a friend was heavily into the occult. At the same time that this was happening I found a Satanic Bible in the bookshelf in my brothers' room. I never asked anyone about it, but did flip through it, read parts of it, and then got freaked out and put it back. That brother was in college at the time, so it might have been for a class. I just know he was never a satanist. But what I do know is that just a few years after this is when I had my encounter.
I was around 18, and slightly buzzed by a whiskey and ginger and was lying on the couch by myself after a sexual encounter, and alone in the house. My eyes were closed when I was overcome by the smell of decay and I opened my eyes to see a HUGE, black skinned creature hovering over my body. It was so big that I couldn't see anything but it, and the smell of it was absolutely wretched. The closest I've ever come to reliving that awful smell is a a dead animal in the heat, x 10. The skin looked like it was burned wood, rough and coarse like it had been in a fire. The demon smiled at me and chuckled and I heard it's amusement but not with my ears. The teeth were rotten, yellow and black, broken, and I turned my head. Oddly, I felt that it was very happy with me and my life choices at the time and did not feel threatened, which is even more terrifying to me now than it was at the time. I didn't see it's eyes, nor any other part of it. It's mouth, neck and chest was about 6" away from my face, so I was too close for comfort and could see and smell it too well. The entire encounter lasted only about a minute or 2 and then it disappeared.
I was a teen at the midst of the 70's so do I need say more? Nothing was off limits with drugs, alcohol and sex to excess with everyone. Also, I was into psychics, mediums, crystals, seances, horoscopes, tarot cards, fortune tellers, and Gnostic and pagan prayers.
Fast forward 20 years when my Mother was on her deathbed. We used to take shifts so that someone was always in the house with her, and her day nurse. Hospice had told us that many times the dying have experiences with seeing people and things that we can't see. It's a normal part of the body dying and it's as if they have one foot here and the other in the afterlife. (I've spoken on here before about my Mom mentioning the silver cord that connects all living things here to each other and to God.) One afternoon my oldest bro and his fiance, and I, were in the room with my Mom and she was looking all around and said that her room was filled with angels. I said, "oh! Angels are good!" She said, "not all of them are good. Some are bad and they are fighting over my soul." I think of this often when I say prayers that mention those fragile last moments of a person's life. I know that there is a battle for a soul up to the moment of death. So, if you say a prayer and there is a line that is asking for assistance at the hour of death, you are praying for it literally, not figuratively.
One night a relative, who was staying over in the guest room, was woken up because he felt a strong presence in the room looking at him. He saw an entity in the corner of the room, who's head touched the 8' ceiling. It was the same one that I had seen years earlier (we spoke about it only once to validate what we had both seen). He was smart though and said, "In the name of Jesus Christ, leave this house." The entity started to squirm and grunt and was not happy. In all he said it 3x and the entity disappeared.
My Mom passed away peacefully a few days after that. The house was subsequently cleansed and blessed by a priest.
It was after her death that my own reversion story started and that I found myself once again in full communion with the Catholic church.
Today, I feel closer to Christ than I have ever felt in my entire life. That's why I'm sharing this history of myself ~ in the hope that it saves someone else.
Even the most seemingly inane things can open you up to dangerous entities. Read a few books from exorcists, Fr. Gabriel Amorth, and Fr. Malachi Martin come to mind, or the one by Jesse Romero and see the damage that it can do. It is a fact that exorcisms are on the rise all over the world. Here's a great article about it from the AP from last Autumn: https://apnews.com/article/portland-san-francisco-oregon-cff13a56cd41997553ea3e9a8fc21384.
Yeah, this is all a bit of an odd tale but it is also a cautionary tale. Stay away from anything that can open you up to an uninvited guest. If you are attending something that invokes a spirit to cure you or whatever, RUN. Incantations, are highly dangerous. Reiki, highly dangerous. Yoga incantations, highly dangerous. Astrology, dangerous. Crystals, oils and incense with incantations, highly dangerous. Ouija, beyond highly dangerous. Seances, beyond highly dangerous. Black masses just for the fun of it? Don't go anywhere near them. Same with witchery and sorcery of any kind.
Here is an excerpt from the Fr. Malachi Martin interview on the Art Bell show:
MM: “… for instance let me explain something to
you ... for a long time we heard about something called transcendental
meditation … the essence of it was that you made your mind blank and you
channeled … the difficulty of it is this – if you do that you are a
sitting duck … you open the door and you say ‘Come in!’ … and the same
thing with a Ouija board and the same thing with mini-channelling
activities … “
AB: “It’s not necessarily it’s not the board yourself that’s just cardboard – “
MM: “That’s right.”
AB: “- but if you use it in this manner you’re issuing an open invitation?”
MM: “That’s right and you’re saying ‘the door
is open, please come in whoever you are!’ … and you can’t do that with
impunity! … you can’t do that with impunity! … and in many cases we’re
dealing with today [presumably cases of demonic possession] starts with something as simple as the Ouija board and using it as a play thing … but it [playing with the Ouija] got serious … and there are spiritual séances of the same kind … channeling … waiting for them to talk … oh they talk!”~ end quote
Divination of any kind is dangerous. Divination, Latin form divinare meaning "to foresee" or "be inspired by a god" is the practice of invoking supernatural creatures to foresee what will happen in the future or for monetary gain.
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer" Deuteronomy 18:10
I can't change my own history, but I can warn people not to touch this stuff. If only I had listened to someone decades ago, but no, I knew better than they did (who hasn't used that excuse?). Besides, not only is it incredibly stupid, it's a SIN.
“When faith in God declines, idolatry and irrationality
increase; man must then look elsewhere for answers to his meaningful
questions. The principle of total and complete liberty apart
from God and the denial of truth itself are indeed seductive in
appearance but ultimately fail to satisfy the “desires of the human
heart.” ~ Fr. Gabriel Amorth
” Extreme danger arises when these demonic spirits are invited into a person’s life..."
~ Fr. Gabriel Amorth
If you feel that you have opened yourself up to something that may be evil, I urge you to contact a priest, go to Confession, go to Holy Communion. STOP doing whatever it is that you did or are doing.
The devil and his minions are very much real and not a metaphor. I sincerely hope and pray that you never find that out for yourself. Please be mindful of the things you do, listen to and watch. Most importantly, grow closer to God. That's the best thing that you can do for yourself and your soul and to keep you and your loved ones safe.
St. Michael Prayer for Protection
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Oh prince of the Heavenly Host, cast into hell satan and all the even spirits who wander around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
A Prayer to St. Benedict for Protection
“O glorious St. Benedict, sublime model of all virtues, pure vessel of God's grace! Behold me, humbly kneeling at thy feet. I implore thy loving heart to pray for me before the throne of God. To thee I have recourse in all the dangers which daily surround me. Shield me against my enemies, inspire me to imitate thee in all things. May thy blessing be with me always, so that I may shun whatever God forbids and avoid the occasions of sin.
Graciously obtain for me from God those favors and graces of which I stand so much in need, in the trials, miseries and afflictions of life. Thy heart was always so full of love, compassion, and mercy towards those who were afflicted or troubled in any way. Thou didst never dismiss without consolation and assistance anyone who had recourse to thee. I therefore invoke thy powerful intercession, in the confident hope that thou wilt hear my prayers and obtain for me the special grace and favor I so earnestly implore (mention it), if it be for the greater glory of God and the welfare of my soul.
Help me, O great St. Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to be ever submissive to His holy will, and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven.
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