YOU are in Jesus, and Jesus IS in you too!
It all fell into place a few months ago and is now crystal clear to me. It was all tied up with a pretty bow on top and gifted to me while I was doing one of my hours at the adoration chapel. Let me explain...
Back in 2015 I had an incredible dream that was so vivid that it stayed with me for days, well, I can still feel it now if I stop writing and think about it. When I wrote it down, which was immediately upon waking, and several times throughout the day added to, the details were as clear as if they were standing right in front of me. It was a Jesus dream. Now, I have had quite a few dreams about Him over the years, I had one just a few days ago, but some of them are just so amazing and vivid that I have shared them. (You can find one called, "A Solitary Man" on here by doing a search. That one is from many years ago.) Most of them are private revelations and for a long time I thought that this Jesus is in me dream was one as well, but it isn't. It ties in directly with my Eucharist pictures that were taken on Christmas, 2011, and the Bible. Let me explain how. (('ll share the dream after the post.)
Often my fellow adorers have experiences in the chapel where they receive interior locutions, feel someone's hand on them (when they are alone), hear singing (in an empty church), smell incense or roses and actually see faces and other forms in the Eucharist. In my own Eucharist photos there are faces in each.
Now what I'm about to talk about sounds like the ramblings of a new ager, but I promise you, it isn't. It can all be found in the Bible.
"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple." 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10.
2 Corinthians 13:5, the apostle Paul asks the Corinthian believers a question: “Or do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?”
“Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.”—2 Corinthians 4:6-7
“My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you.”—Galatians 4:19
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." Philippians 1:20
"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27
Why do people see faces in the Eucharist? They have been seen for centuries after all and in the last century, or so, photographed. A few of them follow the post, as well as my own. So, why do people see faces? Because Jesus Christ IS PRESENT in the Eucharist. That's why. I don't know why people see other faces. Maybe they need prayers. What I do KNOW that it isn't the work of Satan because he cannot possibly dwell within Christ. What I can surmise, though, is that If Christ dwells within our bodies, and we are with Him as well, that is why he knows us intrinsically. We are connected. We are all one body IN Christ just as the Bible says. It isn't just some spiritual presence. It is a literal one too. Our body IS a temple of God in us.
Just to be clear here, I'm not elevating all of us to God status. I'm merely stating that God dwells in us and, as such, we really need to be aware of that in all of our daily lives and step up our game. We need to become more Christ like. As disciples of His here on earth we have to be His hands, His heart, His tongue, His love ~ to every living creature on earth.
Sunday's reading was a beautiful one that you will recognize.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
It isn't just for the bride and groom on their Wedding day though. It is a passage for ALL of us, that goes hand in hand with the Commandment that Jesus gave us,
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34
It's the User's Guide in how to love people, written by God, and for us to follow each and every day. Personally, I think it is the hardest thing in the world to do but if we truly have God in us we have to strive to do exactly as He expects us to do. I'm going to have to plaster this onto my chest. This way, I can refer to it the next time I want to write something nasty about someone on Twitter, or yell at the cashier that's taking too long, or angry honk at the car in front of me that hasn't moved in the millisecond after the light turned green. That is precisely the love that God is talking about ~ patient, kind, not easily angered, it doesn't delight in evil.
If God is in me, as I believe that He is, then I have the utmost capacity to love unconditionally just as He does. We all have the capacity.
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we all did just that? GOD IS IN every single human on the planet, whether you recognize it or not or whether they do. Let us all strive to be the embodiment of Christ on earth.
Peace, Joy & Love,
The dream and journal excerpts. Please excuse the additional comments. It is, after all, my personal journal.
It all fell into place a few months ago and is now crystal clear to me. It was all tied up with a pretty bow on top and gifted to me while I was doing one of my hours at the adoration chapel. Let me explain...
Back in 2015 I had an incredible dream that was so vivid that it stayed with me for days, well, I can still feel it now if I stop writing and think about it. When I wrote it down, which was immediately upon waking, and several times throughout the day added to, the details were as clear as if they were standing right in front of me. It was a Jesus dream. Now, I have had quite a few dreams about Him over the years, I had one just a few days ago, but some of them are just so amazing and vivid that I have shared them. (You can find one called, "A Solitary Man" on here by doing a search. That one is from many years ago.) Most of them are private revelations and for a long time I thought that this Jesus is in me dream was one as well, but it isn't. It ties in directly with my Eucharist pictures that were taken on Christmas, 2011, and the Bible. Let me explain how. (('ll share the dream after the post.)
Often my fellow adorers have experiences in the chapel where they receive interior locutions, feel someone's hand on them (when they are alone), hear singing (in an empty church), smell incense or roses and actually see faces and other forms in the Eucharist. In my own Eucharist photos there are faces in each.
Now what I'm about to talk about sounds like the ramblings of a new ager, but I promise you, it isn't. It can all be found in the Bible.
"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple." 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10.
2 Corinthians 13:5, the apostle Paul asks the Corinthian believers a question: “Or do you not realize about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?”
“Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine, is the One who shined in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.”—2 Corinthians 4:6-7
“My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you.”—Galatians 4:19
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." Philippians 1:20
"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27
Of course, God is in us spiritually when we accept Him, but don't you think it changes the conversation when you contemplate that he may be literally in us? Just as our earthly Father is in us, so too is God the creator?
Do you remember when I wrote about the silver cord? Quick refresh, my Mom mentioned that she could see it when she was on her death bed. She said that this beautiful cord connected me to her and to all living things on earth and to God. That too, is mentioned in the Bible.
"Remember him - before
the silver cord is
severed, or the golden bowl
is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the
spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the
dust returns to the ground it came from, and the
spirit returns to God who gave it."
Why do people see faces in the Eucharist? They have been seen for centuries after all and in the last century, or so, photographed. A few of them follow the post, as well as my own. So, why do people see faces? Because Jesus Christ IS PRESENT in the Eucharist. That's why. I don't know why people see other faces. Maybe they need prayers. What I do KNOW that it isn't the work of Satan because he cannot possibly dwell within Christ. What I can surmise, though, is that If Christ dwells within our bodies, and we are with Him as well, that is why he knows us intrinsically. We are connected. We are all one body IN Christ just as the Bible says. It isn't just some spiritual presence. It is a literal one too. Our body IS a temple of God in us.
Just to be clear here, I'm not elevating all of us to God status. I'm merely stating that God dwells in us and, as such, we really need to be aware of that in all of our daily lives and step up our game. We need to become more Christ like. As disciples of His here on earth we have to be His hands, His heart, His tongue, His love ~ to every living creature on earth.
Sunday's reading was a beautiful one that you will recognize.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
It isn't just for the bride and groom on their Wedding day though. It is a passage for ALL of us, that goes hand in hand with the Commandment that Jesus gave us,
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34
It's the User's Guide in how to love people, written by God, and for us to follow each and every day. Personally, I think it is the hardest thing in the world to do but if we truly have God in us we have to strive to do exactly as He expects us to do. I'm going to have to plaster this onto my chest. This way, I can refer to it the next time I want to write something nasty about someone on Twitter, or yell at the cashier that's taking too long, or angry honk at the car in front of me that hasn't moved in the millisecond after the light turned green. That is precisely the love that God is talking about ~ patient, kind, not easily angered, it doesn't delight in evil.
If God is in me, as I believe that He is, then I have the utmost capacity to love unconditionally just as He does. We all have the capacity.
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we all did just that? GOD IS IN every single human on the planet, whether you recognize it or not or whether they do. Let us all strive to be the embodiment of Christ on earth.
Peace, Joy & Love,
The dream and journal excerpts. Please excuse the additional comments. It is, after all, my personal journal.
Jesus is in me and I am in Jesus dream 1/10/15 (This is what I wrote in my
journal upon waking up at 6:39 a.m. and twice later in the day) .
just had the craziest dream. I don’t even know how to explain it except to say
that I was in Jesus and Jesus was in me.
It was so overwhelming that I didn’t know how to act. We were walking
and a person ran up to us and was asking about the size of a nail that should
be used on something. He had a nail in his hand that was long and thin like
those sold as reminders of the crucifixion. It was as long as the length of his
hand. We looked down at it in his hands but then raised our head and kept our
eyes focused ahead and kept walking toward a building; not acknowledging the
man as he still spoke to us. The roads we were walking on were a lighter color
but muddy. It was a light golden mustard color.
met up with my brother, and he could see that I had been transformed. He
recognized me even though I was a man. He knew that I was in Jesus and Jesus
was in me. He was like a blind man that could now see and understand. He and
some other people followed us into a building filled with about 50 people.
There was turmoil inside me. I could feel Jesus’ majesty and the weight of my
own sins as well as my own humanity. I was trying to act like him and I could
feel him flowing through me but at the same time I felt inadequate and words,
powerful words, that he would have spoken did not flow smoothly from my lips.
saw a man in the crowd. We went over to him and put our hands on his face on
either side. They were strong, man
hands that gripped the man’s face; workman’s hands, rough yet gentle and soft
at the same time. Our eyes locked with the man’s and at first he looked at us
with fear and a full knowledge of what he had done. Jesus knew his sins but I
didn’t. I did know, though, that
he had been a faithful man through his entire life and that something pretty
major recently put a dark mark on his soul. Through my quivering voice, Jesus
commanded the man to make straight his way. At first the man was frightened,
the fear evident in his eyes, but then his body relaxed and he laid on the
floor on his back, still looking up at us. The man had been sitting in a metal
folding chair in the midst of the crowd. When we had walked into the building and room we knew that he
was the chaff amongst the wheat and we walked directly to him. I do remember
saying the initial words to him (make straight his way) but then Jesus started
to speak directly to him, grasping his face in his hands, and speaking with
authority but love at the same time. When we had grabbed his face the man
withered to the floor. The conversation had shifted to between them and I was
not privy to it but I watched the man’s eyes and expression throughout. Jesus forgave him then. While they were
conversing, though, I watched as Jesus held his face securely. It was like he
wanted to shake some sense into him. Perhaps he was exercising a demon? The man
then wept. Instead of looking sad, though, while crying, he looked at us with
gratitude and peace. The people around us watched in surprise and awe and spoke
in hushed tones.
We then
went outside the building in the muddy area (where we had met the man with the
nail) and the saved man lay down in in front of us again. He was on his back
with his head raised and was looking up at us. He was reaching his hands up to
us in a gesture of longing. Jesus commanded that the angels arise and they rose
from the mud and were created of earth. I remember looking at them and thinking
no, that’s not right – they are taller. Instantaneously they shot up another 2
feet from 8 foot to 10. Jesus said to them take this man to my father’s house
and I knew that Jesus forgave him of all his sins and that he was now on his
way to paradise.
don’t even know how to describe this dream. It was like being 2 people in one
body. A tall lanky man with flowing hair and a woman; having a perfect soul and
that of a sinner; feeling all powerful and feeling inadequate. Whatever the
meaning of this dream is, I don’t know but it was freaking intense. As I write
this I am wondering if it is a wake up call that something big may be coming or
if it was a gift just for me. IDK I could feel the power and strength of the
angels as he created them. I felt the same intense security and peace when they
were with me after my mom died.
this was a really intense dream. I’m like in a fog at the moment, yet wide
awake, and can’t believe I wrote all these pages. Jesus, my Lord, I love you
with my whole heart and soul but dude what was this?
pm now – It is exactly 8 hours
since I wrote this and it is still very vivid in my head and in my mind’s eye.
I actually went back to sleep for 3 more hours after I wrote this. This dream
definitely is a message dream or visitation. So freaking intense.
were in a contemporary setting though Jesus was wearing a long, tan, tunic of
wool. It was one piece, with a hood or cowl on the back but no cinch at the
waist. Wow the details are still pouring out of me. I remember looking down at
the tunic toward our feet, which were in sandals secured by woven, coarse,
brown cords. The feet were a man’s feet. Even though we were walking in a muddy
area, the feet and cords were clean. I looked down because I could feel the
tunic brushing against the hairs on my leg as we walked away from the man with
the nail.
angels had closed wings on their backs but the tips reached down to brush the
ground. I woke up when the angels and the man disappeared. I was blown away
that Jesus created angels right before my eyes with the soil of the earth. They
had human features though they were perfect and beautiful faces. Some had long
hair (past their shoulders, but I could not tell if they were males or females,
but all were stunningly beautiful. They were all the golden mustard color.
is insane! It is now 5:39 pm and I can still see all the details of the dream.
That is not uncommon with these types of dreams but I still feel the presence
of angels with me. BTW, it is exactly
11 hours ago that I woke up and wrote it down initially.
I say intense??
When I was thinking about it again today something occurred to me that hadn’t
when I woke up with the dream. As intense as it was when I woke up, I was very
comfortable and totally relaxed. Normally with a crazy dream I will wake up
with a palpitation or a bit racy and anxious. I didn’t with this one, which was
a beautiful thing.
written on Divine Mercy Sunday – 4/12/15
did I have this dream? Well, a week after I had it I fell on the black ice in
front of my house (while running to the adoration chapel). I broke my hand and
developed a bleed in my brain that, for a few months, took away my senses and
my balance. After the physical things started to heal the emotional ones of
depression and anger took hold. Initially I thought that maybe the dream was to
help me get through the months of recovery. I was very angry with God for
leaving me here and because of my anger I had a very difficult time praying.
Thankfully that has passed. Now I think that it is a sign of God’s goodness and
forgiveness and that is why I decided to share it with you today. God loves us
and this Divine Mercy Sunday is His gift to us. May we all share his mercy with
those that have fallen away from the church and with the non-believers. It is
up to us to teach the chaplet to others and to spread devotion. WE are his
voice on this earth.
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