While I was sitting in the adoration chapel yesterday I started to ponder this question. It's an age old question that has been debated over for centuries. I am sure that God has his own reasons for it and is sitting there chuckling at my pea brain trying to wrap my head around the immensity of the question. A few things occurred to me, though, and at least for me it kind of fell into place. Now, mind you I am not a theologian nor a scholar. Some days I have a problem tying my own shoelaces, right over left, left over right, bunny ears or not, but when you have a Bible in front of you sometimes you do have that huh moment.
It first struck me that it is mentioned in the Bible, a few times actually, that we are here for a purpose and that God has bestowed us with certain gifts
He also bestowed upon us gifts to help us accomplish this job. As it says in Corinthians 12:7-11:
"7 Now to each one the manifestations of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit. 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit. 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines."
HOWEVER, He also gave us free will. It is the free will of the humans and entities that God has created that bring the evil into the world. Not God. Just as He gave his angels free will, He also gave it to man. Free will is what ultimately got Satan kicked out of heaven when he turned against his creator. Free will is also what will toss many humans' souls into Satan's realm as well. I think of the people like those that attended the black mass in Oklahoma City over the weekend. It is because of free will that they are doing so. Are they doing this out of love, forgiveness or kindness or to walk in the footsteps of God? No. Not only are they rejecting all that God is and what He ultimately wants us to do, they are mocking and desecrating Him. Even the smallest, or what we perceive to be the smallest, of evils such as a lie, is turning away from God. God doesn't lie.
Which brings me to another point - when evil or suffering directly affects a human. I think there are two ways to look at it. First, I know that there is absolute evil in the world. That doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out; all you have to do is open a newspaper to see that. Sometimes, though, evil is brought to our doorstep. Again, I believe the free will component has to do with it. The person chose to do evil to someone else. God doesn't mess with free will; it's a gift to us but it is an important one. We should use it very wisely. I look at some of the stories from 9/11/01. Thousands of people were killed because of the evil someone chose to do. On the other hand look at the heroism that occurred that day from the first responders to Brian Clark who led three other people out from above the impact area in the south tower. Look at the passengers of flight 93 that called their relatives to tell them that they loved them and then perished to save the lives of others. I have no doubt, whatsoever, that God knew then and knows now what people are going to do during their life here and how they are going to die. It is part of our life plan and the purpose we are here to fulfill. Those that survived, and those that were late to work or off that day or that missed a flight, are not finished with their job here yet. That's what I believe.
HOWEVER, Every single, solitary soul that has walked this earth is going to die and be judged immediately on their actions here. Nobody gets a free ride, get out of jail card, when it comes to God's ultimate judgment.
As for suffering? Life IS suffering. Life is learning. Life is loving. I have said it before and I will say it again - Jesus' OWN Mother suffered in her life here. Why would anyone think that they were exempt? What people do not realize, though, is that suffering is actually a gift. It can be a means to purify your soul if you unite it to Jesus' suffering and offer it up to God. It doesn't matter what type of suffering it is, physical, mental, financial or emotional accept it and offer it up to God. Many people today, including Catholics, do not believe in a purgatory or purging of the soul before entering heaven. Frankly I do not understand this, at all. Do you honestly believe that you are a perfect soul and will go straight up to heaven? I don't. I am a sinner not a saint and I accept all of my suffering as a way to cleanse my imperfect soul so that I may one day be with my Father. I do believe that some suffer a purgatory on earth, but also believe that the purification continues after your earthly death as well. Yes, Jesus has the ability to forgive sins and take your soul to paradise with Him, as he did for the thief on the cross next to His, but do I think I will be that blessed? No. For me to think so is quite presumptuous.
Suffering and death of our loved ones can also propel us into our own purpose in life. How many individuals have chosen a career or started an organization because of the suffering or death of a loved one? I can think of quite a few of them. On the other hand how many people have chosen to blame God and walk away from Him, using their free will to do so? If you really contemplate it, it is almost cyclical, the circle of life as they say, and a bit overwhelming to comprehend in it's magnitude.
Evil and suffering are not the same thing. Being or doing evil is a choice. Suffering is not. Again, that is my opinion.
As for those that seem to lead a magical, wonderful life? I think that they need to examine just who it is that they are following. You cannot serve God and mammon as it says in the Bible (Matthew 6:24). Marino Restrepo, a Catholic evangelical, believes that the devil is actually protecting those people from suffering. It's an interesting concept and you should watch some of his videos. My take on it? If you are that blessed then get down on your knees, every day, and thank God for your blessings as not many people have a picture perfect life tied up in ribbons and bows.
So, that is what my little pea brain has come up with. This is what happens when you give me a Bible, a piece of paper, a pen and two hours of contemplative silence. I am sure that we all have opinions on Why God allows suffering in the world. At the very least, I hope that this post makes you think of why YOU think He does. It is not an easy answer.
Have a blessed and peaceful week!
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