
Monday, June 25, 2012

Bladders and Bad Art

The Jungle
It seems that while a lot of other people that I know are suffering from bronchitis and Summer colds, I get the distinction of being the only one with a UTI. For those of you that have had them and know what they are, my condolences, and for those of you that do not, lucky you. A really good one can humble you and turn you into one of those people that start to barter with God, while you writhe in pain and promise to do a host of things if he will just take the pain away. Actually that has been the last few days  for me but the icing on the cake was last night. We will suffice it to say that I was awake for a good 4 hours last night before I drifted off to sleep for I do not know, maybe a half hour, before I was wakened by the Mother of all thunder storms that was sitting over the house. Immediately I had 2 dogs climbing on my head and wanting some lovin. I must admit it was a very productive 4 hours though. You know how I say you always learn something new every day? Well last night I found out that there is some very interesting items in the Legal Notices section of the New York Post. One of them headed United States Customs and Border Protection, Kennedy Airport Area, declared that  the following described merchandise was seized due to violations and other laws so you just know I had to read that. Of course, fire arms were on the list, pills, jewelry, electronics, and other assorted items including $16,000 worth of Hello Kitty watches (now that is a threat to US security if ever there was one) but what began the list was $20,000 cash, $17,416 cash, and $2,000 cash all in U.S. Currency. Huh?

Then I moved onto the back of the page in hand and found out that 42 million Americans now work as independent workers also known as freelancers. What they also mentioned is that for the over 55 age group there is NO job market and that is the driving factor for that same group to create jobs for themselves. It is becoming the new norm for ex-executives and professionals after long and flourishing careers to become freelancers or create their own businesses after being let go from their employers. Another huh moment. Do you know what the Greek derivative of freelancer is? Poor. Ha, just kidding.

From that I moved onto the book I am currently reading, The Amateur; Barack Obama in the White House (by Edward Klein) which is not only a page turner, but a stomach churner as well. That is just chock full of huh moments for me but it is bad enough I talk religion on here let us not get into politics too.

That was the culmination of last week; finding out all of this interesting stuff. Being a retired Type A personality, even though I was not feeling well, I still had to do something with my time last week (in between taking care of business that is) so I pulled out my easel and found 2 blank canvasses. It was so nice to just sit and play around with colors and textures with the oil colors that I had. It took me a few days but I finished one creation and I can proudly say that it is my masterpiece of all the bad art I have ever created, but I love it. Of course the picture is slightly out of focus (what else is new?), but I have named it UTI. Just joshing you again; the title is under the picture.

I hope you have a great week and that mine is better than the last. Remember that Jesus loves you and will be with you every step of the way. Most of all, today if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

Now I am off to find those Hello Kitty watches and claim my $39,416.00 cash. Ha!



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