
Sunday, May 20, 2012

So and So

What do you think of the new colors of the blogs? I am not quite sure how I feel about it; I just knew that I wanted to change it up a bit and add some more color. Actually I changed the color of the website and the Glory Glory Gifts blog as well. Sometimes you just need a little bit of color to brighten up your day. I wanted to do something that incorporated our logo of the Resurrection cross into the color schemes so I think the pale purple works well. I hope you like it as well.

Today I had an incredible conversation with some friends. We talked about our personal relationships with Jesus and our various paths that led us to where we are today. All of us had rocky periods in our life (mine was for a good solid 23 years) and we all decided that we are all still a work in progress, but we also spoke about how we wanted to reach out to others. All of us share the desire to reach other people who may be lukewarm or disinterested, but you know what they say about religion and politics. They are subjects you just do not bring up if you do not want a war of words to ensue. Even if you do not have an opinion on either subject you suddenly develop one when either comes up in conversation.   One of my friends said something that I considered quite profound; If someone is just developing a relationship with Jesus, you sure do not want to snuff out that candle. True. My candle is not going to be snuffed anytime soon though.

I remember back in 2008 when I was first guided to start Glory Glory Gifts I told my friends at the time about my plans. Only one said good for you, great idea, but do you know what? Make sure you carry saint bracelets too because they are really big right now. I distinctly remember sitting at a table at a barbecue and someone brought up the new venture as a topic of conversation. A friends husband looked right at me and laughed a big boisterous laugh. He thought it was a joke. What ensued after that was the awkward silence, everyone at my table suddenly finding that their plates were incredibly interesting. What I have found is that the closer I got to Jesus, through my Monday night novenas and my first Friday devotions, through Bible study classes and then  through my business, the further my friends distanced themselves from me. They did not change; I did. I accept that. I did not and do not judge others but I did learn to listen more and talk less.  I opened my eyes to the world around me. I opened my ears and heart to how I saw others treating each other and made a conscious decision not to be someone like that (even though I really never was like that to begin with).  I will be honest, I would much rather spend hours in an adoration chapel with my beloved Jesus than be in a field filled with butterflies. That is how much I love Him and I am not ashamed to say it here loud and clear. What I found to be the most intriguing thing of all, however, was that all of my friends were all born, baptized and raised in the same faith that I was.

As much as I love him though I can still laugh at things, lines in movies, silly things that happen in life. One of my most favorite lines was in a Renee Zellwegger movie when she is sent on a business trip to somewhere in Minnesota. A woman went to meet her at the airport and on their way home the woman, Blanche says, have you found Jesus? Renees character responds I didnt know he was missing!

Have a wonderful week!

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