
Friday, September 25, 2015

Rough Days Ahead....

and rough days behind.

I have had a miserable week. I feel like I swatted at a hornet's nest and they unleashed their fury on me because I upset them. Writing and thinking about it now is just like picking a scab on a wound that has started to heal and is bleeding again. But, I am going to rip off the bandaid and forge ahead anyway.

This week I have met people that are the most vile and contemptible ones I have ever met, in my entire life. That is a rather huge statement coming from someone that has visited people in prison multiple times and has been on the planet for close to 60 years.  I was berated, mocked, given heinous names and verbally pounded on by (surprisingly) not members of ISIS, but by people that claim to be Christians. I'm sorry, but any person that makes another feel anything other than love is not a Christian. I feel like I need to call an exorcist.

I thought I was a smart cookie until I fell for a bait post, hook, line and sinker. She led me into the lion's den and unleashed the beasts to ravage me.

Where did I meet these individuals, you ask? On Facebook. I had met my "friend" on LinkedIn as a businesswoman. She and I shared a professional women's group and we became connected on that site. She then initiated the connection on Facebook as well. I don't think that you have to be a rocket scientist to figure out my beliefs; look at what I do for a living and visit our Facebook or Pinterest page where it is blatantly obvious. I believe in unconditionally loving everyone, including my enemies, because that is what God expects of me. I believe in treating everyone with respect, but I will acknowledge that it is difficult to be Christ-like when you encounter the thought process of people like those in militant religious groups or even those in the Westboro Church. I did learn some things from these people, though not about Christ or Christianity but about false prophets and religious sects. It occurred to me that -

Calling anyone a heretic or a blasphemer is a heinous sin. It demoralizes someone completely and to cause damage like that to someone's spirit is a sin against the Holy Spirit. It is an unforgivable sin.

If you are trying to convert someone to Christianity well then act like a Christian. God is light and love. If you have God in you this shouldn't be a problem. If you verbally assault someone you are not a person of light, but one of darkness.

If you are reading a Bible that your preacher (or his father)  has included his own interpretations into, throw it out. This is especially true if their interpretations are right into the verses of the Bible. Get yourself a good Bible. Pray to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes before you read your new Bible. The spirit will hear you and open your hearts to receive the word of God.

Know where your money is going. My church publishes their financials a few times a year so I know where my hard-earned money is being spent. Jesus said give away all of your earthly possessions and follow me; not give me your money so that I can buy a lear jet and live in a mansion, with my six figure salary. Which leads me to the, so-called, prosperity Gospels. It has to do with acts of mercy and love and NOT with money. Many false prophets are using that to line their own pockets.

Seed money will not cure you. Giving money to your church and/or pastor will not cure you or answer your prayer. God answers prayers in so many ways and through so many people (doctors, nurses, therapists, and even financial advisors. Sure, support your church, but don't be naive about it. Pray to God with a sincere heart and for your own sake seek medical help when it is needed.

No true apostle of God should have to slander other Christian faiths to prop up his ministry. If they are speaking the truth, and live a humble existence, God will bring the people to them. Slander is a nasty business. If you have been taught to slander and demoralize those not of your ministry's, that is not being Christ-like, at all.

Most importantly if your preacher says that he is the reincarnation of someone like Elijah, or Enoch. RUN. Christians don't believe in reincarnation. If they claim to be Jesus, really, really RUN. I think we will all know him when He returns. He will be the dude on the cloud with the saints of heaven in tow.

I forgive these people. They are like lost sheep. The evil in them was palpable and even though I severed my relationship with this woman yesterday I still feel the sting today and will probably for a few more days. She, and the others, are in my prayers. May God have mercy on their souls.

Have a peaceful week,

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