
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Love Thy B(l)eeping Neighbor?

Seriously? Why not have us do something easier, like birthing an elephant?

The last few weeks I have been driving around more than usual. As I posted a while ago my partner, Tom, has decided to go back into the food industry. As we only have the one car I drive him to and from his job. Suddenly I feel as if I am thrust back into the days of yore when I was chauffeuring him around as a kid to his activities – basketball, Boy Scouts, school, etc. The later years, before he had a license I drove him to and from work. Of course, on occasion, now I make deliveries for our Staten Island customers - as our delivery person is now working in the food industry. It seems like ages ago that I have driven around here, but as in any suburban area, weekdays are quieter and weekends are insane.  I have been driving  - just not when, it seems, every other Staten Islander is on the road.

Over the weekend I had not one, not two, but THREE incidents that left my heart pumping as well as my fist. ALL of the incidents were caused by the same thing (mercy me) I was doing the speed limit. How inconsiderate of me to do so. As I chugged along at the speed limit and would approach the stop light, which Staten Island is chock full of by the way, I saw the first of the impatient drivers, that cut me off and gave me the one finger salute. She was sitting there waiting for the light to change.  It happened a few times and I tell you I don’t know what I was thinking but the first time I approached the light and saw her there I waved at her. She sped off when the light turned green, again flipping a finger and red faced and you guessed it - we met again at the next light. Again I waved.  It was at this point I thought to myself are you trying to get yourself killed or maimed fool? Luckily the 3rd light was the charm. She got caught in a turning lane and I chugged along going straight with one final wave just to annoy the heck out of her.  

The other two flew around me at a different intersection. I was in the lane going straight, again at a light. I had a small silver car in the lane next to me, which was for making a right-hand turn and a large black SUV behind me.  When the light changed the silver car sped up and whipped around me cutting me off with the driver spitting at me!! Next thing I know the SUV is careening around my left hand side in what looked like hot pursuit of the silver car. I thought to myself, oh this will be good! That has to be a cop! Nope. The SUV tailgated the small silver car, that finally made a left, and then the SUV sped away.

This all happened in the course of one day. When I dropped Tom off and was on my way home I met pinhead no. 1 and when I was going to pick him up I met no.’s 2 and 3.  Needless to say when I arrived home with him I was not a happy camper. Normally I have a lead foot. Tom will concur with that assessment, but at the moment we are in need of new brakes so I will admit I have turned into my mother when driving. I might get impatient when our car is in tip-top shape and I get behind someone going slower than the speed limit, however, spitting at someone or flipping them off is not something that would even occur to me.  Whatever happened to putting on a signal and just changing lanes?  What is happening to people? Including me.

This morning I was thinking to myself I would love to have a conversation with Jesus about this. I have a pretty good idea on how the conversation would proceed though. I am 99.9% sure it would go something like this:

“I am supposed to love those pinheads that cut me off?”



Because you are to love one another as I love YOU. It is the greatest commandment

“You love those pinheads?”

Yes, just as I love you.

“But that is so hard to do, I’m only human you know. You are God”

Yes and I was human when I walked this earth. I taught you how to love as a human and even wrote it down for you, through the prophets, to refer to.
I taught you patience, compassion and forgiveness. Now it is your turn to do as you have learned from Me. Read my guidebook for a refresher, it is called The Bible.
Besides, it was not nice of you to taunt that woman by waving at her. You are not without sin. Maybe you need to learn a little more patience and humility for yourself and stop judging the others on the road. After all, I know all of their hearts and souls; you do not.

“Well those pinheads did not have to cut me off.  What a bunch of jerks! They could have killed me you know."

I made sure that they didn't. I am with you always.

In my eyes you are all the same. I love each of you equally. No Master is greater than their servant….and by the way stop calling them pinheads and jerks. That is not nice either. You have quite the temper and remind me of my beloved Peter. Forgive those that have offended you.

“I am starting to hate people when I drive. I don’t like that feeling”

Then pray for strength for yourself when you are behind the wheel or for the others, or better yet – walk, as I did.

God give me strength, it is almost time to pick up his nibs from work again. May I not be the pinhead today.



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