
Monday, June 11, 2012

Tidbits and Lessons in Being A Catholic Today

Every day we do learn something new. That is one thing that I learn everyday anyway. Today I learned  that some fruits and veggies can aggravate certain allergies in folks. Did you know that if you are allergic to ragweed that eating melons, bananas or cucumber can make your throat or mouth itch? Tomatoes, celery and peaches may produce a similar affect in those allergic to grasses. I find that fascinating, even though I do not suffer from any of the above ailments, nor do I have allergies. Also an estimated 1.8 million Americans have an allergy to tree nuts, the leading cause of fatal and near fatal allergic reactions, though a recent study indicated that adults and children identified less than half of the nuts presented to them in the survey.  I would hope that if my child was allergic to a peanut I would know what the peanut looked like before it became creamy or chunky in a jar. Gosh, I had a PBJ and a peach for lunch. PB is a mainstay in my cabinet, along with my wheat bread.  I crave a good peach though.   I just thank God I can get my hands on that occasional delight.

The other thing that I learned this past weekend? That it takes 10 minutes for the human body to digest one Eucharistic Host. Ten minutes.  Of course your stomach is supposed to be empty when you take the Host into your body, so it can be digested quite quickly. They are small, yes, but insignificant? Absolutely not!

This past Sunday was the feast of the Corpus Christi, celebrated by the Roman Catholics and is traditionally the Sunday after Trinity Sunday in that faith. I went to the church in the afternoon to hear Sr. Joan Noreen, OLME, who is the Co-Founder and Director of Our Ladys Missionaries of the Eucharist. She also hosts her series, Eucharistic Journey on EWTN.  I must admit I was mesmerized watching her and listening to her and jotted down some key items that I wished to remember. Of course now I cannot find my notes......but she spoke to us of Eucharistic Adoration. My church, Holy Child in Staten Island, has, as many of you that read this blog already know - a perpetual adoration chapel. That means that even at 2:00 a.m. someone is in the chapel with Jesus, whom we believe is present in the Eucharist. Think of all of the hours in a week - 168 I believe if my brain remembers correctly, and do you know how many actually just stop in to visit the chapel? I can count them on my fingers.  We do not have 168 members in the adoration committee either; we have more like 100 (which is a shame given the fact that there are over 4,000 registered families in this parish), but we are so incredibly blessed. Sad to say I know what all those that run past the chapel door are missing and personally cannot think of anything more important than Our Lord and Savior.  I already spend 2 hours with him on Sundays and if another hour came up during the week I would jump at it.

Sister Joan had a air of peace surrounding her. When she moved around the church her feet seemed to barely touch the floor.  I wish I had that peace. She began her talk with how she could tell an adorer from the others. She said that she noticed that everywhere that you go nobody smiles anymore. Everyone is so wrapped up in themselves they do not even notice the person standing right next to them. She said that the adorers, are always so much more at peace and smile much more than the others. Personally I found that amusing. She should have seen me the day that I found that four leaf clover in the backyard, then cracked a tooth, found out I was being audited by the IRS, got a $2,000 bill in the mail, stepped on the dog (accidentally) and only had Ramen noodles to eat, all day. Admittedly not a good day and there wasnt any peace in the house - that is for sure.  But I do find peace in adoration and often go there just any old time of the day or night just to be near Jesus. He fills my heart and soul with peace just as my CPAP fills my lungs with oxygen. He sustains me. He lifts me up. When I am with him my troubles dissipate and when I leave I feel rejuvenated and full of life and joy.

Saturday evening was also beautiful, I went to mass that night and our priest in residence Fr. Percy said the mass. I have never heard him before (which is odd) but he gave the most incredible homily. He talked about the Eucharist and the Mass as well. They do go hand in hand after all. He was speaking about a man that approached him and said Father I just do not feel anything when I take Holy Communion; I am bored at the mass. Fr. Percys response to the man was, well, what do you put into it?  (I wish my freaking apostrophe worked!!)

Now I am not a scholar, nor am I an Evangelist, but I can tell you that when you open your ears to the readings, when you sing the praises and songs from your heart, and when you put all of the distractions away and concentrate on Jesus and the mass alone, you will find what you are looking for.  Say the rosary, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and open your Bible and read it every single day. Let Jesus speak to you through his inspired writings and his works in the Gospels and I hope that you find the peace in your heart and the smile on your face that has somehow gotten lost.

And for goodness sakes.....make sure you know what those darn tree nuts look like!

Have a peaceful week!


PS - just a note on the audit thing, my accountant forgot to add something in 2010 and the IRS sent me a corrected statement. Big brother is definitely watching, but it is nothing of significance, just so you know and it has nothing to do with GloryGloryGifts! 

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