
Thursday, March 11, 2021

March Updates and Other News

I hope that you are enjoying your Lent this year, and taking the time to grow in your faith and ever closer to God. Personally, I have been very much enjoying it. I've added a few things to my daily devotions so that is always a very good thing to do.  I just came in from out in the yard where I did my daily afternoon prayers. It restored my soul after such a long, cold, snowy Winter. I'm looking forward to Spring and getting my garden all planted. That's the beauty of Lent too, preparing ourselves from the seeds of faith that God has sowed into each of us that are blessed with the Christian faith. Just as I look forward to the glory that is to come in my gardening, I also very much look forward to the glory of the risen Christ. It is by His passion, cross, and resurrection that we are all saved by His love.

I wanted to share something that I found on Youtube that I've found to be extremely interesting. It's called, The Ten Minute Bible Hour, and it is hosted by Matt Whitman. He has a podcast as well if you would like to look it up. But what I have been thoroughly enjoying is his interviews and tours of various churches in the Christian faith. He is a Protestant, but he is truly a well-studied man in history and asks some unique and thoughtful questions. I have found it has answered many of my own questions about the different sects as well. So, I highly suggest that you check out the interviews. This is the link to his Youtube channel:

In other news, the store is currently on vacation mode while I convalesce from an illness (what else is new?). Normally Tom takes the reins when I'm unwell but he is currently on quarantine because he was in close contact with someone that had COVID, at his full-time job. It's just a precaution due to my precarious health issues and, of course, to keep our customers safe. The store will be back up and operating in a week or so, God willing.

Now back to Lent. I found this really great walking tour of The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem, that I thought you might all like. Few are traveling these days, so it's a wonderful way to see it.Here's the link for that:

I'm leaving you with a prayer that is an old one from the 14th century, but a good one, called the "Anima Christi":

"Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy wounds hide me. Separated from Thee let me never be. From the malignant enemy, defend me. At the hour of death, call me. And close to Thee bid me. That with Thy saints I may be Praising Thee, forever and ever. Amen."

Enjoy the remainder of Lent and God bless you with peace and joy.


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