
Monday, January 14, 2019

I've Been Thinking.... About Prayer

A few weeks ago, while I was sitting at Mass I felt like a book wedged between two bookends; two very different bookends, at that. Sitting on one side of me was a family of about 8 (I didn't actually do a head count) and on the other side was a family of 4. 
I must admit both sets of kids were very well-behaved which was nice. (I know I'm starting to sound like a cranky pants with this but it will come in handy further down in the post., I promise). I also want to point out that I didn't sit and stare at all of these people it was just something I observed intermittently throughout the service. The Dad with the larger fam pointed out where we were throughout the Mass, told the kids what pages the hymns were on and really worked at keeping the kids involved and interested in what was going on. The family of 4? Well, they looked like they were being held hostage with no means of escape and with no end in sight. I even snuck a peek at them while saying the Our Father. The Mother was yawning and looking at her watch. The others were equally uninvolved.  Now, I would love to say that I was the attentive parent that taught my son well, but sadly I was the watch monitor to my right during his formative years. Sometimes I did feel like it was a chore bore to get to Mass and trust me, I was raised very well by my parents, I was expected to participate in the Mass as a child,  and was even in the choirs.

Here's the thing, though, Mass is the ultimate form of prayer. It is the ultimate in praise. I can pretty much surmise that if attending Mass weekly is not important to you, if praying at said Mass isn't as well, then there is a woefully shallow chance that you will say daily prayers either. I'm not even going to mention the Bible. That's probably collecting dust on a bookshelf somewhere.  I've been there. I know. Now? I'm one of those people that are like an ex-smoker that will get in your face about smoking or someone who has just found the next great diet and tells everyone how to eat. For me now it's about rattling cages and getting people to open up their eyes to how and for what they are praying.

If you have a home, furniture, heating/a/c, water, electric, a car and a vast wardrobe you have more than Jesus had in life or especially during His ministry days. He had the clothes on his back and the sandals on His feet. That's it. It occurred to me that the homeless, those that do not know where their next meal is coming from, are living a life pretty close to that of Jesus. He even mentions it in the Bible,  "As they were walking along the road someone said to Jesus, 'I will follow you wherever you go.' Jesus replied, foxes have dens and birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head." Luke 9:58. If I contemplate that it makes me feel very foolish to ask Jesus for anything but I know that should I ask Him for help with say putting food on my table or keeping a roof over my head that He will respond. God knows what we need before we know it and it will be provided be it through our own work or that of another.

Pray with an open heart and without strings, i.e. God, if you let the [insert team name here] win, I will go to Mass this Sunday. Have a daily dialogue with Him. Thank Him for every good thing that you have in life, your health, your home, warmth, food, family. Ask Him for help getting the things that can help you to live a good life here like a job, another job, so that you can not only support yourself and your loved ones but those that are less fortunate than you are as well. Humbly ask him for healing of mind, body or soul for yourself or your loved ones. If it is His will, I assure you He will answer your prayers. If you are meant to live a life of wealth, you will do exactly that. No need to pray to win the lotto.

Pray for your loved ones, your neighbors, your friends. Pray for people that are suffering from health problems or natural disasters. Pray for those that are persecuted and those that have not heard the message of Jesus. Pray for your enemies, your frenemies and even terrorists that they have a conversion of heart. Say morning, afternoon and evening prayers. Say Novenas. Pray the Rosary. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 P.M. Pray before meals, and after. There are so many things to pray for and that's why it is so important to do it every day. That's why attending Mass is so important too. At Mass we do pray for so many as well as praising God. Trust me when I say that anyone that attends Mass regularly, and participates in it, and prays daily is so much more balanced and accepting of their cross in life than any other person you will encounter. The Holy Trinity is the way, the truth and the light and without them, and a personal relationship with them through daily dialogue, life is pretty dark. Pray for grace. Pray for an increased faith and prayer life. Pray for your own redemption and for others. Pray for peace.

Thank God for every thing in your life, even the little seemingly inconsequential things. I thanked Him just this morning because I was able to print shipping labels on a temperamental printer. (I just thanked Him again because I thought I had erased this blog post. whew.)

I wish that I could turn back time to when my son was young. That is the best time to teach children about prayer and all of the Sacraments, but especially the Mass. I've said it in prior posts, faith has to be nurtured throughout life but the seeds have to be planted by the parent. Wishing won't make it happen; actions will. If you are like I was I implore you to immerse yourself in the Mass next time you go. If your child sees that you are interested, they too will be. They want to emulate you but teach them about how important God is. He answers in His time, not yours, make sure you impart that as well. This way, when He does not answer the prayers right away they don't ask Satan for things. It sounds odd to say that, I know, but that is what the pop star Rhianna supposedly told her followers to do. (SMH).

There is so much evil in the world we have to be secure in our faith and relationship with God the Father, God the son Jesus and God the Holy Spirit to withstand it. Prayer is your armor to do just that. Teach yourself to do it well and teach the children.

Have a blessed and beautiful week.


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