
Showing posts with label train. Show all posts
Showing posts with label train. Show all posts

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Trains, Beeps, and God

I woke up this morning to the sound of incessant beeping and it wasn’t my alarm. It’s not very welcome on a Saturday morning at 7 A.M. either.  It was the kind of beeping noise that is made when a large vehicle is backing up. I’m sure you know the sound. It alerts people to the fact that something big is coming their way and to watch out for it, lest it make you a road pizza.

Shortly after that they started with the horn honking, in one or two short beeps. It was then that I realized that a crew was working on the train tracks just about 130 yards away from my house. They do that beeping. It’s some kind of signal back and forth between the crew driving the vehicles, but even living near the train tracks for 60+ years I haven’t a clue what it signifies. I just know it’s a form of communication for them.

Having lived near them all of my years, though, I’ve become used to their schedules, and the sound of the wheel trucks on the tracks and the light of the front beam flashing into my living room on occasion.  The silence is ominous when I don’t hear them, as that usually signifies a problem, which is rare, but nonetheless does occur.  The trains are ever present in my life, even if I tune them out and they are reduced to background noise in my day-to-day living.

Today, though, they reminded me of my relationship with God. He too is ever present in my day-to-day but do I pay attention to the communications and prompts in my day that he wants me to act on? Am I aware of his presence or do I tune him out, as I do the train sounds, and concentrate only on myself rather than those around me? If I’m being honest with myself I have to say that some times no, I am not aware of him and I do tune myself out to those around me and do you know what? I’m doing a tremendous disservice to myself and to those that he is expecting me to help in one way or another. I don’t have to wonder if I’m the only one that does that either; all I have to do is pick up a newspaper or watch the news to see that there are many people not listening to God. That makes me sad but I have to remember that the news doesn’t report on all the good things that happen either. If you’re lucky, you get 40 minutes of bad news, 17 minutes of commercials and 3 of a feel good story. (I’m getting off track here, get it? Off track….? Sorry That’s a groaner.)

What a beautiful world it could be if we all listened more to God and loved and cared for the citizens of planet earth. I think we all could benefit from listening more to God and doing more for those around us that we encounter. As that saying goes, I should BE the change that I want to see in the world. I would like to add that I would like to BE the person that God expects me to be as well and to listen for, and be aware, of his prompts and gentle nuances to help people around me or far away. That’s my goal this Lenten season, to listen and watch for his prompts, be them a small beep or a loud horn, that gets my attention. I hope you make it yours as well.

Peace and Love,